Spreading Truth Everywhere and Reminding the Internet How to Be Free

Navigating the Last Days: Your Gateway to Tech, Faith, and Current Affairs

If you’re a privacy loving, freedom seeking, Linux and FOSS using, technology wielding, entrepreneurial, marketing type that runs a website and/or blog for business or for entrepreneurial endeavors and you have your finger on the pulse of current and world affairs, frequenting alternative social media platforms and independent news sites and you declare Jesus as your Lord and savior, then you’ll probably like this website. And hopefully, you might like me too!

Hi, I am Libre Lenny. I am a full time web developer and digital marketer. librelenny.com is not my day job. It’s a website and persona that I have put together to promote, part time as a side-gig throughout 2023. I’m of the full and wholehearted opinion that we’re living in the last days, so I’m not trying to build anything significant. I’m just trying to make myself useful and keep productive with the little bit of time we have left in this fallen world.

You’ll see that most of the imagery, videos and graphics I put out over the next year or so will be storm related. That’s because we’re entering the storm of all storms. However, those of us who love and serve the Lord have nothing to be afraid of. Even in these difficult times, we’re commanded to press on and make ourselves useful for the harvest. Having said that, this website is not a ministry. It’s just my corner of the Internet where I can reach out, share mys kills and help others, all the while keeping in mind that Jesus is at the door.

If what you’ve read above sounds interesting to you, I’d love for you to consider subscribing to one or more of the multimedia accounts I’ve created on independent platforms. You will not find me on mainstream platforms, except Twitter, because, well.. Twitter is hilarious right now.

Follow Libre Lenny on the Following Platforms

Promote Your Message and Your Business

As a digital marketer, specialising in SEO, I understand the importance of digital marketing tools. Part of my mission with librelenny.com is to build an army of new marketers and content creators that specialise in building an online presence with alternative interdependent products and services.

Digital Marketing Tools

What if I told you that there’s an awesome company that provides all of these services: Software for web pages, email marketing, website membership, webinars, funnels, affiliate programs, video , social proof, stores and carts and blogging?

And what if I told you that it’s absolutely free to join, but there are also paid options that can help you to make a meaningful income via a high ticket affiliate program?

If you’re into marketing, or want to get into marketing to spread your message, then you can’t go past this program that I use and highly recommend It’s great for beginners and seasoned marketers alike.

Check out these awesome tools for digital marketing* with Insane affiliate commissions!

Follow Libre Lenny on endtimebelievers.com | @admin@endtimebelievers.com

I am excited to have created the brand new Mastodon instance at endtimebelievers.com. It’s for Christian, patriot and conservative minded people who love freedom & privacy. Will also find discussion on Linux, FOSS, world events, health, news & politics.

Also, this instance will also be a great place for the entrepreneur! Bloggers and content creators welcome. I just opened the front door (Dec 27, 2023).

FOSS Linux

Libre Lenny’s Commentary

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king of kings

Privacy & security

Alternative digital marketing

foss Technology

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