Why Switch to Linux?

Microsoft, Apple and Google all treat their customers as if they’re products. Even once you’ve purchased their products and/or services, they database your information and use it to serve you ads! What’s worse is that in spite of paying exorbitant amounts of money for the privilege of being a product yourself, you don’t even really own the machines you’re running the software on, because they do everything they can to hijack your hardware and make it unusable unless you acquiesce to their every whim.

Why Linux Is a Better OS & A Breath of Fresh Air

Linux is a breath of fresh air. To answer the question of why Linux is better, all I have to do is draw on my own experiences. With Linux, you’re free to install it, remove it, modify it, share it or otherwise pretty much do what you like with it. It doesn’t cost any money, except in certain circumstances. ie: Although Zorin OS (which is my favorite Linux distribution) is completely free, I use the pro version which is only $39 because I like to support the company. The free version works perfectly fine though. It’s just a breath of fresh air to use after being tormented by Microsoft for decades.

The last good version of Windows, as far as I am concerned was Windows XP. Everything after that was and is an abomination. And it’s only getting worse. I am so glad I became a full time Linux User about 4 years ago. I can’t remember the date but it was somewhere around 2018.

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Why Did I Switch to Linux?

I made the switch to Linux out of frustration with Windows. I’ve been playing around with Linux since around 2005 or so. I’ve loved Linux from that time and from around 2010 I actually started trying to use it full time. I’d go a month or two but then go back to Windows.

The main reason I kept going back to Windows was for the same reason a lot of people find it difficult to make the jump: As a prolific user of tools and software, I was just too used to the software available on Windows. However, with the constant problems I kept having with Windows which resulted in frequent loss of data, dead laptops, unable to reinstall due to licensing and a whole heap of other problems causing many grief stricken days, I kept trying Linux.

Dual Booting Windows and Linux

I eventually started dual booting – probably around 2012 or so, if my memory serves me correctly. From 2012 to 2013 I started using Linux more and more. Linux also improved and became significantly easier to install during that time too. One of the things that also prevented me from moving to Linux full-time was that, at the time, I had a lot of driver issues with Internet connection (dongles) and WiFi. However all that pretty much disappeared – at least for me, around 2018.

It was around 2018 that Windows finally killed another HDD because of all its grinding and crunching, freezing and spluttering. It had happened several times before and I didn’t have my Windows Key, so trying to reinstall was another nightmare waiting to happen. I didn’t have the disks required to try and reinstall either. That’s when I gave up, installed an SSD – then installed Linux and I haven’t looked back.

These Days I Install Linux Straight Over the Top of Windows

I’ve purchased several brand new laptops since then. Each time I buy a new laptop the first thing I do is install Linux straight over the top of Windows. I don’t dual boot and I don’t even care to take note of the key or anything. I simply don’t use Windows anymore – for any reason.

For that matter, I don’t use Google or Apple products either. I have a DeGoogled phone. I deleted my Facebook a couple of years ago. I also deleted Twitter, but created a new account when Elon took over.

Slowly but surely I’ve booted Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Instagram and all other mainstream platforms out of my life. And here I am building a website also completely free of Google’s products and services – with some very minor exceptions.

Would I Recommend Linux to Anyone?

A resounding yes to that question. Linux has come a long way in the past couple of decades or so that I’ve been using it. The driver issues of old are pretty much non existent these days. Everything just works. Linux is great for privacy. Google, Microsoft and Apple are no longer databasing everything I do online. Of course that means I also don’t use Google Chrome or Gmail.

I’m still chipping away, slowly but surely, removing all these big tech giants out of my life as much as I can. And that’s a big reason why I created this website. Between using Linux and using a DeGoogled phone, deleting Facebook and not using Google’s browser or tools, I’ve achieved a great level of privacy. Oh, and I use a VPN too!

What Are the Advantages of Using Linux? 

Linux is a free and open-source operating system that is widely used for a variety of purposes, including personal computers, servers, and embedded systems. One of the main advantages of using Linux is that it is open-source, which means that the source code is available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. This allows users to customize the operating system to meet their specific needs, and it also allows for a greater level of transparency and security, as the code can be audited by anyone.

Another benefit of using Linux is that it is generally more stable and reliable than proprietary operating systems, as it is built on a strong foundation of open-source software and community-driven development. Linux is also highly scalable, which means that it can be used on a wide range of devices, from small single-board computers to large servers and supercomputers.

Besides these benefits, Linux is also generally more affordable than proprietary operating systems, as it is free to use and distribute. This can be especially attractive for businesses or organizations that need to use multiple computers or servers, as the cost of licensing proprietary software can quickly add up.There are also many different Linux distributions (or “distros”) available, each with its own set of features and customization options. This allows users to choose the distro that best meets their needs and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions   

Here’s my take on some common questions about Linux.

Why Switch to Linux 2023?  

There are many reasons why someone might choose to switch to Linux in 2023 or at any other time. Here are a few potential reasons:

  1. Cost: Many Linux distributions are free to download and use, whereas proprietary operating systems like Windows and macOS often come with a significant price tag.
  2. Customizability: Linux allows users to customize their operating system in ways that may not be possible with other platforms. For example, users can choose from a wide variety of desktop environments and customize their system’s appearance and functionality to their liking.
  3. Security: Linux is generally considered to be more secure than other operating systems, as it is less vulnerable to viruses and other types of malware. This is because Linux has a smaller market share than other operating systems, making it a less attractive target for attackers.
  4. Performance: Linux is known for being lightweight and efficient, which can make it a good choice for older or lower-spec computers.
  5. Open source: Linux is open source, which means that the source code is available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. This allows for a large and active community of developers and users to contribute to the development of the operating system.

Overall, switching to Linux in 2023 (or at any other time) can be a good choice for those who value cost savings, customizability, security, performance, or the principles of open source software.

What Are the Downsides to Linux?

In my opinion there are very few downsides to using Linux. The benefits far outweigh any inconveniences or drawbacks. I think a lot of the so called downsides are perceived and misguided – also possibly based on previous Linux experiences from years ago where things were, I admit, slightly more glitchy. But these days, Linux is awesome. Let’s take a look at some of the downsides:

  1. Compatibility issues and limited software availability: While Linux is generally compatible with a wide range of hardware, some devices may not work with it or may require special drivers. This can be particularly problematic with proprietary hardware or software that is not supported on Linux. However, in this day and age, there’s a replacement software available on Linux, and 99 times out of 100 it will be free. Plus, a lot of the software that used to only work on Windows has now been made to work on Linux. Additionally, many tools we use these days are on the cloud – and Linux certainly has no problem there.
  2. User interface: Some users may find the user interface of Linux distributions to be less intuitive or less familiar than other operating systems. This can make it more difficult for new users to learn how to use the system. I did struggle with this back in the day, but after using Linux full time for years now, I’d actually have the same problem if I ever went back to Windows. But that’s never going to happen.
  3. Lack of support: Because Linux is an open-source operating system, it is not supported by a single company or organization. Some say that this can make it more difficult to get help or assistance when you encounter problems with the system. However, because Linux is community driven, predominantly open source and used by millions, a quick search on your favourite search engine will almost always help you to find a solution to your problem. At the very least you’ll be able to find someone who you can ask.
  4. Security risks: While Linux is generally considered to be a secure operating system, it is not immune to security threats. It is important to keep your system up to date and to use caution when installing software or visiting unknown websites to minimize the risk of security breaches. However, having said that, I can honestly say I have never experienced any of the triojans, viruses and system issues that used to drive me crazy with Windows. I find Linux to be very stable and secure. However, I wouldn’t use poorly supported or outdated distros for important stuff. Stick to the main distos and you’ll be fine.

Is It Difficult to Learn Linux?

There might have been a time when it was difficult to become proficient with Linux, but that time has certainly passed. These days, there are heaps of very polished and professional distros to choose from. There are also many desktop environments made for Linux that use a very similar interface structure to what you’d find on either a Mac or Windows. However, the specific difficulty level may depend on your prior knowledge and experience with computers, as well as the specific Linux distribution you are using.

For new users, it may take some time to get accustomed to the different user interface and the way things are organized in Linux. There may also be a learning curve involved in using the command line, which is a common way to interact with the system in Linux. However, many Linux distributions offer graphical user interfaces that are similar to those found on other operating systems, which can make them easier to learn. There are also many resources available online to help you learn Linux, including documentation, tutorials, and forums where you can ask questions and get help. With a little patience and persistence, it is possible to learn how to use Linux effectively.

Do Professionals Use Linux?

Absolutely! I am employed in IT to do SEO and marketing. I use Linux exclusively — and I want for nothing. I use three screens and often have 3 or 4 workspaces running at anyone time. I am able to interact with absolutely every tool service, subscription, platform, website and company online without restriction. I’ve been a full time Linux user for years now and no longer even have a Windows system in the house. So if anyone tries to tell you that professionals don’t use Linux, just send them to me. I’ll sort them out for you.

Many professionals use Linux in a variety of industries. Linux is a popular choice for professionals in fields such as software development, data analysis, and scientific research due to its stability, security, and flexibility. Linux is also used in a range of other fields, including finance, education, and government. Besides its use in professional settings, Linux is also used by many individuals as a personal operating system. It is a popular choice for users who value security, privacy, and the ability to customize their operating system.

How Much Faster Is Linux Than Windows?

Linux is a LOT faster than Windows. And I’m talking from personal experience. I’ve had computers that grind to a halt with Windows installed on them that run blisteringly fast after installing Linux. The trick is, though, if you’re upgrading a Windows computer to Linux for better speed, you should remove the hard drive (HDD) and install a solid state drive (SSD). Linux will still run faster than Windows with a HDD, but an SSD is much faster.

What Is the Biggest Advantage of Linux?

The biggest and primary advantage, to me, is that I can download as many distros as I like – and believe me, I have tried hundreds over the years – install them, try them out, and if I want to try another one I can simply install is straight over the top, or even beside the previous installation and I am not hassled by licensing or costs. I don’t have to sign my whole life over to a corporation just to be able to use the software. I find that Linux is far less intrusive on my privacy than Windows and Apple. This is actually the very reason I switched to Linux in the first place. My HDD died and I didn’t have my key. So I installed a SSD with Linux and I haven’t looked back. I don’t miss Windows.

Social Media Conversation – Highlights

Nik Resist (Minds) wrote:

A couple criticisms.

The big tech companies you mention in your first paragraph fund the foundations that fund most of the projects that form the basis of a Linux distribution. These projects are extremely large and layered to the extent that a common person could not audit them in a realistic amount of time. They could be keeping CVE’s open or intentionally not filing them so big tech can abstract data. CVE itself is funded by big tech.

Zorin is a derivative of Debian and Ubuntu. Similar to Linux Mint, this would make it a meta distribution based on two distributions with a track record of courting the Ethical Source Movement and treating their contributors and users like children or unwashed masses. True Free (as in freedom) and Open Source software and systems would not participate in exclusion and data mining. It would be antithetical.

My response to Nik Resist:

Hi Nik, yeah, I actually know and agree with all that. It’s a bit of a shame, because when push comes to shove big tech could literally take over Linux if they really wanted to (just like how the globalist took over society in the last 2 years) – and the way Ubuntu is going, and IBM buying Red Hat, I’m kind of concerned. I know big tech has their hands in Linux all over the place.

I’m also a huge fan of FSF and actually run Trisquel on another computer which I use to exclusively test out and play with free (Libre) software. Linux is definitely not a perfect solution, but even with the drawbacks and under threat of being usurped, it’s still 1000 times better than Windows or Mac. Besides, it looks like big Tech is simply on course to make hardware so that they can totally control what’s being put on it. Between that and digital ID, we’re all going to get corralled into a digital hell one way or the other.

I know that sounds pessimistic, but I’m still glad to be part of the resistance. Term used quite literally. I think I might put this response into my content plan and write a proper article on the topic.

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