Libre Lenny Introduction – Who is Libre Lenny?

I’m completely fed up with the mainstream Internet, so I’m on a mission to carve out a corner of what used to be referred to as the “world wide web”, or the “information super highway”, to recreate a place of common sense and happiness where people who haven’t become deranged can come hang out with me.

Who Is “Libre Lenny” and What Do I Do?

I want to hang out online and contribute to the Internet in a way that allows me to remain free. I will express myself freely

I work full time as an employee for a digital marketing company. With two decades of SEO and marketing experience, I’m well versed with all of Google’s tools: Analytics, Search Console, Tag Manager, Google Ads, etc. I also know my way around Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms.

I’m proficient in hand coding. I used to hand code all my websites back in the day with tableless CSS templates, taking pride in the fact that my code was W3C compliant and “cross browser friendly”.

These days most of our client sites are made using WordPress, Wix or some other WYSIWYG CMS or plugin. The art of hand coding “personal homepages” (shoutout to Neocities) as pretty much gone out the window.

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