Rise of Alternative Search Engines & the Parallel Economy

It’s no secret that Google is the most widely used search engine in the world. In fact, it’s estimated that over 92% of all online searches are conducted through Google. But while the majority of people may be content with using Google, there is a growing number of savvy individuals who are turning to alternatives. These “awake but not woke” individuals are often motivated by a desire for more freedom and privacy online.

Censorship on Google: The Need for Freedom and Privacy Online 

One of the main reasons people are using alternative search engines is because of the censorship that is prevalent on Google. Google has been known to censor certain terms and websites that it deems to be inappropriate or offensive, according to the woke narrative. This censorship can include topics related to freedom, privacy, and even alternative news sources. For those who value their right to access information and express their opinions freely, this censorship is unacceptable.

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The Parallel Economy: Supporting Businesses That Align With Values

Another reason people are turning to alternative search engines is that they are becoming more aware of the parallel economy that is emerging online. This parallel economy is made up of companies and individuals who are offering products and services that are not controlled or influenced by the major tech giants like Google. By using alternative search engines, people can access this parallel economy and support businesses that align with their values.

Popular Alternative Search Engines: Presearch, DuckDuckGo and Startpage 

What are some of the alternative search engines that people are using? Some popular options include Presearch*, DuckDuckGo, and StartPage. These search engines prioritize user privacy and do not track or collect personal data. They also have a built-in ad-blocker and have a strict no-logging policy. However, what does Libre Lenny have to say?

Libre Lenny’s Personal Preferences and Recommendations on Search Engines 

As someone who has worked in web development, digital marketing and SEO for over 20 years now, it’s important for me to use a search engine that provides valid results on what I am searching for. I’m not interested in a curated list of websites that fit the narrative of the woke left. I don’t need the search engine to hide certain results because the CEO of that search engine has a particular political ideology. I don’t want a search engine that doesn’t respect or value the fantastic work that grass roots, independent journalists (aka real journalists) are doing all over the world. I want to do a search and then I want the search engine to give me what I asked for. I’ll be the one to decide, with my own intuition, whether the result is fake news or not.

Presearch is the Best Search Engine Online 

Presearch is my primary search engine. – Libre Lenny

Presearch* is my search engine of choice. It’s my daily driver. Colin Pape refuses to censor results based on woke ideology. Additionally the results are fantastic. While the search engine

Presearch is a decentralized search engine that operates on the blockchain technology. It aims to provide a more private and transparent search experience for users.

How Presearch Works

  1. Presearch uses a decentralized network of nodes to index and rank web pages. These nodes are run by community members who are incentivized with PRE tokens for their contributions to the network.
  2. When a user conducts a search on Presearch, the query is sent to multiple nodes on the network. Each node returns a set of relevant results, which are then combined and ranked by a consensus algorithm.
  3. Unlike traditional search engines, Presearch does not collect or store personal data on its users. This means that users can search the web without worrying about their data being tracked or sold to third parties.
  4. The platform also allows users to customize their search experience by choosing which nodes to use for their queries and by setting their preferred search results.
  5. Additionally, Presearch has an open API which allows developers to build new applications on top of the platform and users to earn tokens by using these applications.
  6. Presearch also has a built-in cryptocurrency wallet which enables users to earn PRE tokens for conducting searches, clicking on sponsored results, and referring friends to the platform. These tokens can be used to purchase advertising, pay for API access, or traded on cryptocurrency exchanges.
  7. The platform is also community-driven, meaning that the community can vote on new features and changes to the platform.

In summary, Presearch operates as a decentralized search engine that is powered by a network of community-run nodes, does not collect personal data, and incentivizes users to contribute to the network by providing them with PRE tokens.

DuckDuckGo Is No Longer a Search Engine I Use or Even Consider 

DuckDuckGo used to be my favourite search engine until they became woke. Now, to me, they are DuckDuckGone. A lot of software developers, alternative browsers and plugins still use DuckDuckGo as their default alternative search engine for the privacy conscious. However, I’m a huge advocate of dumping DuckDuckGo and replacing it with Presearch. And that’s exactly what I do when I use any software, tool or browser that sets DuckDuckGo as a default.

Startpage  Is Based On Google’s Database But It Still Useful

I will admit, quite readily, that Google’s database is actually beneficial for some things. I just wish they stuck to their motto: “Don’t be evil”. Google is especially useful if you’re looking for a particular product or some kind of information that is brand new and you just know that the smaller, independent search engines probably won’t have any information about it yet. So whenn I really need the latest info, or something very specific that the smaller search engines probably won’t have listings for yet, I use Startpage.

YouTube Has It Uses, but I Severely Limit My Interaction With the Platform   

The YouTube trending link takes you to a page of “influences” that YouTube want you to watch. Most of the videos are absolute trash.

Yes, I’m including YouTube here, for the very same reason that I’ve listed Startpage. Quite simply, the vast majority of people beeline straight to YouTube to upload any kind of how to video. And that’s the primary reason I ever used YouTube. I use it predominantly as an education and research tool. I also watch countless marketing and SEO videos, which just aren’t available anywhere else. I do not have a subscription to YouTube. I don’t have a Libre Lenny account or profile. When I do use YouTube, I open it in a new browser tab that act as as its own container, and I do not log in. I also use AdBlock. However, I also have Watch On Odysee installed. I use Firefox as my main browser. Watch On Odysee is an extension that detects if a YouTube profile or video is available on Odysee. If it is, the extension will automatically send you to the Odysee version. This also helps me to know who’s syncing to Odysee. I’m pleased to report that the people syncing to Odysee is growing noticeably and exponentially.

 Tic Tok is an Abomination to the Internet

If there’s one single platform that could fast track us to the “Idiocracy”, it would be Tik Tok.

I don’t use Tik Tok for any reason. While I do understand that it is has become a major search engine of choice for Zoomers who mostly access the Internet only with their phones, I view it as an absolute abomination to the Internet and a travesty – a scourge eon the human race.

Google Is the Last Search Engine I Would Ever Consider Using 

I simply don’t use Google at all, for any reason. It’s the devil.

Other Search Engines 

There are some smaller search engines that I could mention, but don’t use for various reasons. I’m not saying there aren’t other useful or good search engines. I’m just not going to go into them here. This article is based mainly on why I use, why – what I used to use and why I don’t anymore.I might write another article on other alternative search engines soon.

Writing About Alternative Search Engines: A Valuable Topic for Bloggers and Content Creators 

If you’re a blogger or content creator, it’s worth considering writing about alternative search engines and how they can benefit your readers. This will help them to grow and also help the parallel economy. It also takes eyeballs and advertising dollars away from big tech. There is a growing interest in search engines that truly value privacy, and many people are looking for more information on how to use these search engines and the benefits they offer. For example, you could write a post on how to do SEO for Odysee on alternative search engines like DuckDuckGo, or write an article on DeGoogled phones and their importance for privacy-conscious individuals.

Conclusion: The Growing Interest in Alternative Search Engines and Their Benefits for Freedom and Privacy

In conclusion, while Google may be the most widely used search engine, there is a growing number of individuals who are turning to alternatives for more freedom and privacy online. By using alternative search engines, people can access the parallel economy that is emerging online and support businesses that align with their values. As a blogger or content creator, writing about alternative search engines and their benefits can be a great way to tap into this growing interest and provide valuable information to your readers. And the last thing I have to say on the whole topic is, do yourself a favour and check our Presearch*.


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